Information Technology (or IT) is constantly evolving. However, not all companies are growing with the times. Some workplaces don’t bother to update their IT infrastructure or find out what the latest security features are until it’s too late. If your business is overlooking basic IT considerations, you could end up losing a lot of time and money. Here are some common IT mistakes that you might not be aware you’re making:

1. Not Having a Sound IT Plan

Every business needs to have a concrete plan. Some companies take care of the manufacturing, logistics, and business and sales plan, but they forget to invest in an IT plan. Forgetting to implement an IT plan means you won’t be able to react when things don’t go the way they’re supposed to.

How quickly would your company be able to get back online if the worst-case scenario occurred? Make sure to plan for the worst. Otherwise, you’ll have to think of a solution when something does happen.

Before you begin operations, you should have an IT plan. You can work out the details of where the infrastructure will be placed, the network connections, the security of the network, and other specifics. Make sure that you consult specialists and professionals before you make a plan. Also, make sure to revise your plan at least every couple of years. As technology evolves, so should your IT plan.

2. Disregarding your Network Security and Data Security

One of the most basic mistakes that companies make is disregarding the security of their network and data. Your workplace is not as safe as it seems, and cyber-attacks could occur at any time. While companies think that just putting up a firewall is enough to keep out malicious attacks, it might not be enough to safeguard them from hackers.

Companies should invest in an IT department to set up their data and network security for the office. Professionals will know how to safeguard data from outsiders, as well as the employees that shouldn’t have access to certain data. Securing both your network and data will enable your workplace to be more reliable, efficient, and safe.

Without an IT department, your company could be vulnerable to hackers that steal bank details or other personal information that could be used against the company. Some hackers only need to steal the email addresses of your employees to start a phishing campaign that could be difficult to recover from.

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3. Forgetting to Backup Data

Another common IT mistake in the workplace is forgetting to create backups for all the data stored in the systems. Sometimes, files can be deleted or misplaced by accident, so it’s important that there is a backup for everything, especially the information that’s crucial for the company’s daily functions. Forgetting to back up your data could end up costing the company time and money.

Every company should do a regularly scheduled backup, depending on the amount of data that needs to be secured. If your workplace exchanges data on a daily basis, then a weekly backup could be enough, but if your company doesn’t use data as much, a simple bi-monthly backup should be enough.

Make sure you are backing up your data to a different location and with a different company. You don’t want to lose your backups and originals because of a natural disaster that hits one area. You also don’t want to lose your backups and originals because a data storage company went bust or is experiencing technical problems.

4. Avoiding Automation

Companies that have been around for a long time tend to avoid upgrading their processes due to budget restrictions, or they simply fear unknown systems. However, this can be a critical mistake.
Automation of tasks actually helps the workplace become more productive in less time. For instance, your employees can input data automatically with Excel spreadsheets rather than manually computing each formula.

If you want to step into automation, the first thing you need to do is outline the repetitive processes that are occurring in your workplace and create a plan to automate them.

Technology is a big part of company operations, so it’s important that you make sure your infrastructure is secure. Having an IT department can help you avoid common IT mistakes, common computer issues, and make sure your business is competitive and secure from cyber-attacks.