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Daily Tech Tip: Step by Step Instructions on How to Send Photos by E-mail

sending photos by e-mail

Have pictures or videos that you’d like to share with family and friends? Sending photos by e-mail is the easiest way to do it. And with the way e-mail technology has evolved over the years, sending photos to people has never been simpler.

Sending Photos by E-mail

Before we get down to the nitty-gritty, remember that there are two ways to send pictures by e-mail. You can either attach them as a file or paste the photo into the message. Both options are easy to do and there isn’t much debate on which one is better.

If the person you’re sending the photos to prefers keeping a copy, though, we recommend you attach the pictures to the e-mail. Otherwise, you can just add the picture to the e-mail body straightaway.

Quick Reminders on File Attachments

No matter what format your photos or videos are in, you can attach them to your e-mail. Keep in mind, though, that most e-mail services will have limits on the size of the file you upload. You may only upload short videos and a definite amount of photos in an e-mail.

What if you’re sharing an entire photo album or a lengthy video? In that case, you may have to use photo-sharing services like Google Photos or websites like Flickr. You can use cloud storage services that allow easy collaboration and effortless sharing like Dropbox, too. But if you want to save photos to the cloud, keep them safe with these security tips.

Attaching Photos in an E-mail

No matter which e-mail client you use, you’ll always find a paperclip icon appearing somewhere when you’re composing an e-mail. That’s the universal icon for attaching a file.

Look for the paperclip button either at the bottom of the screen (Yahoo, Gmail) or on top (Outlook, AOL) and follow these steps:

Yahoo Mail

1. Click on the Compose option and then click the Attach icon pic icon Ym.

2. Select Attach files from computer and locate the picture you wish to attach from your desktop.

3. Once you’ve found it, select the image and click Open.


1. Locate the picture icon pic icon Gm  at the bottom, and click on it.

2. You’ll be shown a pop-up with tabs indicating the ways you can add photos to your composed e-mail. You can specifically add from your computer, the Web, or Google+. Click on whichever applies to you.

3. Click on Insert. 

Tip: For a faster way to attach photos in your e-mail, simply drag and drop (or copy + paste) them from your PC. 


1. From the Outlook Mail navigation bar, select the Attach option. Afterward, choose whether you’ll attach the picture from OneDrive, Dropbox, or your computer.

2. Follow the appropriate instructions, depending on the location from where you’re attaching the image file:

Inserting pictures from OneDrive

Click on Files and then double-click on the picture to insert into your e-mail. From here, you’ll be asked to attach the picture as a OneDrive file OR as a copy. If you opt for the former, all the recipients will gain access to the same file on your OneDrive account. Opt for the latter and everyone you’re sending the photo to gets a separate copy that they can individually download.

Inserting pictures from Dropbox

Choose the cloud storage option you want to retrieve the pictures from (e.g. Dropbox). Double-click the image to insert into the e-mail. Afterward, you’ll be asked to attach the file as a shared file OR as a copy. Remember that if you share a file this way, recipients will get a link to the file as well as given permission to access it.

Insert photos from your computer

Simpy select Computer and then locate your file from a pop-up window. When you’re done, tap on the Open button.


1. In the content area of the message you’re composing, tap on the paperclip icon on the right.

2. Afterward, you’ll be made to choose between Camera (prompts you to take photos to send) and Gallery (lets you select images from your device). Select the latter.

3. Locate and tap the album you want to get pictures from. Tap each photo you wish to attach. Keep in mind the 25MB size limit for every e-mail you send.

Not sure if the images got uploaded successfully? To check if they already have, look at the attached files list that’s often found either at the bottom or on top of the e-mail message. It’s pretty obvious, especially when you’ve attached a handful of pictures.

Tip: To make it easier to search for the photos you wish to send, keep them all in one folder. It’s best if you name them, too, so you know you’re sending over the right pics every time. It’ll be pretty embarrassing if you don’t.

Putting Pictures in the E-mail’s Body

Most e-mail clients let you drop images and short video clips directly into the e-mail you’re composing. If you have the files on your desktop or folder simply drag and drop them straight into the e-mail’s body.

When you’re done, the photo will appear as part of the e-mail message alongside any text you type.

Have fun sending pics!

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