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Privacy Policy

Use of Information

  • Use and Gathering of Information and Data: Visiting HelloTech triggers record keeping of your activities on the Website. Account creation requires information that makes you identifiable to us. This data results from monitoring the Website. Such data collection makes our information delivery efforts more effective. We reserve the right to contact you about HelloTech. If you feel a certain type of communication from HelloTech is no longer suitable, you will have an option to unsubscribe via an email link or by contacting
  • Registration Information Provision: Registering on HelloTech as either a “Client” or “Tech” entitles the user to greater access and use of HelloTech. Accounts are conditional upon providing required data as mentioned in the respective sign up processes. HelloTech will not sell this information.
  • Tech Profiles: Techs have additional opportunities to provide supplemental information that enhances Clients’ understanding of their skills and services. We reserve the right to modify information presented that does not comply with our “Terms and Conditions.” We reserve the right to keep a record of this information. HelloTech will not sell this information.
  • Feedback: HelloTech may on occasion ask its Users how it is performing, or their interest on service expansion. We reserve a right to contact Users of HelloTech with information provided to HelloTech.
  • Financial Data: HelloTech uses PayPal for financial transactions and does not store your financial account information other than officially registered email addresses attached to PayPal accounts.

Trackable Information

  • Usage Patterns: HelloTech monitors use of its website as a whole. Metrics include browsers, operating system, ISP, leading URLs, and your geographic location. We do not use this data to identify you and these metrics enhance understanding usage patterns on HelloTech and provide a geographically relevant experience.
  • Storable Cookies: HelloTech collects information from cookies. Cookies are small files stored on your computer granted to each user. These are snapshots of information such as preferences. Cookies are typically used with most websites to remember user preferences or track use of a website.
  • Minors: We do no collect personally identifiable information of those under 18 years of age. If someone under 18 has set up an account at HelloTech, please provide information to

How We Share Information

  • Client to Tech: We provide contact information of Clients with problems, to Techs. Clients reserve the right to specify their method of contact, and this will not include a phone number or physical address unless specified by the Client. Data does not transfer to Techs unless specified by Clients. As specified, information you submit in relation to a tech-problem transfers to Techs so they may bid on your problem. There will be instances where you have specified that only certain Techs have access to this information, and only those Techs will receive your tech-problem information for bidding.
  • Tech to Client: Techs share information posted in their public profile. All information furnished here by the Tech reflects acceptance of sharing this information with HelloTech’s users.
  • Sharing our Information: Financial, hosting, and tracking information generated by HelloTech is stored by third-party services, such as Amazon, Google, and PayPal. We share your information to the extent to make their services possible, and do not allow use for marketing or as a sale of this information to these parties.
  • Law Enforcement: HelloTech complies with law enforcement and legal entities with jurisdiction over our activities. We reserve discretion to share your information with appropriate legal authorities as legally authorized by those authorities.
  • Business Control: You will have the opportunity to remove yourself from any exchange between HelloTech and a resulting controlling entity if a new Privacy Policy differs from HelloTech’s policy. We reserve the right to share information with companies controlled by HelloTech.
  • Interfacing with Third-Party Sites: HelloTech integrates with social media to provide a way to advertise that you need a service on HelloTech or that you are providing a service on HelloTech. You have control over this information. HelloTech’s default is to assume you wish to share this information, but you can opt-out before sharing information to a third-party site with which you have an account.

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